

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday Shopping In Dublin...........face in the glass??!

I was in town on Saturday for the first time in a long time. The sun was shining bright. It was one of those days where you are just happy to be on the planet at that moment. I was waiting to meet Dave who was working so I was wandering bit, having a cuppa here n there. Therefore, I wander down Wicklow Street to head into the Secret book and record shop.
(I had not just bought another handbag prior to this.......... honestly is has spots and an anchor. I was helpless! )
I strolled slowly my favourite way to get about and as I was coming by "Past Times" I turned my head to look in the window and reflected back at me right beside my face is a face. It is as if someone is standing beside me. It is distorted in what looks to be harrowing despair or pain and is really pale; there is short dark hair framing it . It startles me so much I whip around and there is not one there except people walking towards me wondering if I am having a break down . I turn back and it is gone.
I walked down, stood outside Tower Records, and waited until my heart rate got back to normal. Frightened the poops outta me.